August 30, 2009

Sunday Night Re-Cap 8-30

I stand amazed in the presence of Jesus the Nazarene... I don't even know where to begin. Yes I do... Thank you so much Christ for working in the lives of students. Thank You, Thank you, Thank You!

1. This Sunday was great. I was floored by the true message of Christ's relentless love for us in the story of him washing the disciple's feet. DANG Jesus!

2. The leaders really got it this week. They continued to dig deep with the students, and build good relationships with them as well. It is so cool to see teenagers and adults actually having conversations. Trust me in my world that is a big deal!

3. We moved to a High School service which was great. We had a bunch of new faces and I can't tell you how happy I was that we had the biggest group of HSers ever!

4. Middle School service rocked me as well. They were so dialed in to God's word and I know they are going to make a difference in their schools. I am believing on it and praying on it, and you guys are living it out at your middle schools so well! Proud of YOU!

5. Our worship leader Chad Wyatt is such an unsung hero. He puts in so much time and preparation (musically but more importantly spiritually) into each service and he definitely gets my props for this week... and every week. If you don't make it to service on time... You need to. Seriously. Do it.

August 23, 2009

Sunday Night Re-Cap 8/23

Man, what a weekend! I love Sundays and I really love all the people who make it possible. By their tireless commitment to Christ and to seeing new people take their next step toward Christ. 

1. Largest Sunday ever. Im not sure the exact numbers but we maxed out the room in a serious way. We definitely had 50+ people in there with leaders and all. !WOW!

2. Our new intern @diazdave blew it up this week. I am very excited about what he brings to the table. His commitment to Christ and to the students is bar-none!

3. We started a new series called "New Friend Request" and it comes as a great time as school starts tomorrow and we are getting ready to launch our "first friends" program.

4. Thanks to our production team for working through the glitches and hitches that a blowout Sunday brings. 

5. Again, I love it when my wife is off on Sunday, (she usually has to work) it's just fun for her and for me to hang together doing what I love to do. I love you sweetheart!!!

6. Again Mike blowed it up in the service with a bomb of a message. We are going through our ONE life series and you need to take a listen if you have not heard it.

Thanks be to God, who is the giver of all good gifts. I thank you for your support and constant prayers as we travel through this journey of life together. AMEN!

August 20, 2009

Stoked about the new series!!!

We are going into a new series next week called "New Friend Request". It's gonna be sweet!

Let's just admit it, having friends is great. Whether you want one, already have one, there's just something about having other people in life that you can count on.

Friendships may seem to happen randomly, but there is an intentionality about who we allow close to us. This series is designed to help students learn that the people who are closest to them have influence on their life. Many times they shape who we are.

So who are your closest friends? How are they influencing you? That's what we'll talk about and more in our new series "New Friend Request."

August 18, 2009


I have been spending time in the book of John in the mornings. It's really nice to go back and read the first complete book I read through as a new Christ-follower. I remember the book overwhelmed me, and as I have committed to reading through it again this month I remember why.

I was just reading in chapter 6 where Jesus feeds the 5000. Man, what a miracle... It was just something that sounds like a crazy story, but it really happened. Then he tops it off with this walking on water stunt! I mean Jesus is really making it hard not to follow Him. But then he does something weird...

He goes into this crazy vampire/zombie-esque (my interpretation) story about eating his flesh and drinking his blood. He says "Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day." What? I read it again. What? Why the heck is he teaching like this? Isn't Jesus supposed to be helping people take their next step toward Him? Why the harsh allegory?

Even the disciples were grumbling about this (v61). Also at this point many disciples walked away... Well that helped the kingdom... Way to build the church Jesus...

I watch the crowds walk away... dejected... dissapointed... I look back at Jesus thinking, "why are you letting them walk away?" I look back at the disciples with their heads and shoulders slumped...


I missed it...

Jesus is asking for desperate measures. He is talking about the unthinkable to break us of our notions of who we think He is.... Let's be honest, I mean, are we desperate for God or what He can do for us? What if he asks of us the impossible? Does that change our mind? Do we say, "Wait Jesus, don't go there." ?


Jesus looks to Peter and says, do you want to leave too? Peter says, "Lord, to whom shall we go?..."

I have no other way to turn in my life right now. Christ is showing me a path of where he wants me to go that is very similar to eating His flesh and drinking His blood. This calling is messy, difficult and impossible. In fact, I can't do it. But I am more desperate for Him than I am desperate for my life to make sense. I am so desperate for Him because I know that I can't follow Him unless He draws me and that humbles me beyond any kind of measure... Desperate...

Where will I go? Who has the words of eternal life? Who is the bread of life?

only Jesus...

Humbly I am desperate...

August 16, 2009

Sunday Night Re-Cap

Man this has been a great week. I got myself a good power nap, but was awakened by the utter excitement I feel about what God has been doing and is going to do this fall/rest of the year @Gracefellowship. I can't even hold it in!!! Kim and I got to worship at the 9:00 am service and I was so thankful. Please don't take coming to service for granted because it is a BIG deal.

1. Many people came to know Christ today @Gracefellowship! I wasnt in all services, but we had at least 10 people in the first service. Heaven was crunk times ten!

2. I have to admit i get pretty excited sometimes but, DANG! I am excited about our upcoming 6th grade class! We had a great "Merge 09" class where the kids got to know about what we do and who we are. We had about 20 new students moving up, and to that I am thrilled!

3. I knew Mike was gonna bring it, but all I can say is WOW! If you didnt hear this weeks sermon @gracefellowship. Uh... you need to. Check on the "messages" and it will get you to the podcast.

4. The students ever amaze me as they respond to the message with passion. Today we covered 1 Corinthians 15. The resurrection is who we are as believers! We need to make sure teenagers know the truth and power of the gospel!

5. I am sick and tired of 60-70% of teenagers walking away from the faith at graduation. Each Sunday we get a chance to lower that number and if you are crazy enough to join me in the student ministries, lets bring it!

6. Things you can pray for us about: upcoming 6th grade class, small group leaders and the launch of great small groups this semester, pray for our new intern Dave, pray for parents and people to step up and help students take their next step!

August 15, 2009

Bleach my hair! -Like a Boss!!!

Something new, actually I did it last year, but felt the need to go for it again!!!

I just wanted to give you the 411, before you see me at the GFC!!! I like it, but the bleach definitely gets to your brain after a while. lol!

See you sunday @ IMPACT!

August 14, 2009

Drifting off course?

If you have ever sailed for any amount of time, you know it takes a lot of work sometimes to keep your self on a straight course. 

Sometimes the wind changes direction. Sometimes the wind changes speed. And sometimes, there is no wind at all.

Sometimes the very wind that helps to lift the sails and push you forward also pushes you sideways, causing you to drift off course.  It is easier than you think to find yourself drifting off course. Lately I have been checking my bearings and trying to double check the course of my life. I also think about my vision for working within student ministry and if I am charting on the course I originally set out upon. 

I don't know how I have drifted, but one of the things I often forget about is how utterly amazing the gift of God, through Christ, is and how there are thousands of teenagers that still need that in their lives in Orlando. 

If you are a Christ follower, remember, you are on a mission. How does the course we have charted in our lives line up with the course that Christ has for us? Take a moment. Line up. And let's get back on course!

August 12, 2009

gone today... Back Tomorrow!

We are heading up to NewSpring Church tonight for the One! conference tomorrow. Then after the conference we are flying right back home, whew!

Please be praying for us as we are listening to some of the pastors @Newspring and discussing family ministries with 30 other churches and their student/children/senior pastors! Should prove to be an intense time! See ya!

August 11, 2009

i like lasers...

I know this is completely random. But I like lasers. I don't know why. I just think they are the coolest thing ever. I wish I could just shoot lasers all day long. Like I said. Random...

August 10, 2009

ONE Life!

Grace Fellowship is currently in a series called "One Life". Mike is going through the life of Elijah and bringing some serious truth! Maybe you have been wondering. What can God do with [my] one life? Check out this past weeks message and hear about it.

You gotta make it this next Sunday. I think this series will really encourage you if you have been desiring God to use you in the kingdom. I guarantee God has something for you to hear!!! So come out!!!

something to chew on...

"Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers."

Galatians 6:7-10

So you're back...Why no fanfare???

Yes, I have had a couple of people ask me about the blog coming back to life. And yes, I have not really announced it on purpose. WHY?

Well if you must know, I just want to get back to the pure joy of writing. Last go 'round I lost that. I felt to much like a was writing for someone else. I know that's what a blog is for... For other people to see, otherwise it would be journaling. (Dear Diary... lol) but I thought WAY to much about someone reading and not as much on what I was trying to write.

Anyways, I don't know how things will look this go around. But the purpose of THIS blog THIS time is just to be simple and say what I want to say about WHATEVER. Im not trying to win friends and influence people to a great degree. I don't wanna earn megabucks and go on a book tour. I don't think I am that great of a leader, but for the grace of God, I still do lead.

And I do walk after Christ, and I find encouragement from stories out there (probably stories just like yours) of people who are trying their damnedest to follow after Christ too. So therefore, I write... So, not much fanfare, but maybe I'll shoot some silly string! ;)

August 9, 2009

Sunday Night Re-Cap

I tell you what, it's so good to work at the GFC! I enjoy the people I work with and we just git down and have a great time on sundays.

1. We got some great adult leaders, you guys always rock my socks off! Thanks for what you do! Brent stepped up in a major way by pulling a surprise interview on me! What tha?

2. Had a visiting student give great words of encouragement at how welcoming our graceStudents were and how they included him instantly (i love hearing that!)

3. One more week of the "Reality TV" Series, It's been great to break down the book of 1 Corinthians. Paul dropped some knowledge in this one. DANG! Go God!

4. Man if you missed "ONE Life" in the main service, you are gonna want to check out the podcast! ...and be HERE next week as @mcadkins drops some knowledge from the life of Elijah!

5. @Chadwesley and the team broke off a great worship set and brought us to the Throne of Glory today!!! Like I said if you missed it, you don' wanna miss next week!

6. Just got to be a part of what God is doing another day! AMEN!

August 6, 2009

Everday Miracles

This morning as I was spending time reflecting on God's glory and grace, I was overwhelmed with the fact that I have countless miracles that happen in my life EVERY day.

Watch This... While I was sleeping, the earth seamlessly rotated on it's axis bringing another day. The lungs and the heart in my chest functioned properly to keep me alive while I was unconscious of it as I slept. My wife and I were safe last night from any harm.

I woke up and my vision worked, I had perfect command of my muscles and was able to get out of bed. I could walk, I could hear, I could feel the warmth of the sun. I have running water, air conditioning, a bed, a roof over my head. I snuck out of bed to fix breakfast (out of the abundance of food I have) for myself and my dog while my wonderful wife lay asleep on her day off.

We woke up without the worry of being killed or arrested for my faith. I was able to travel to work in a vehicle, and without an accident for that matter. I get to work at a place I love, with people I love and enjoy my work. These pale in comparison to the fact that the King of the Universe loves me. The GOD of the Universe knows my name. He whispers the Truth in my ear, that He is Love and I am thankful.

There are thousands upon thousands of miracles we experience every single day. Some people say, "I haven't seen God working in my life lately..." To that I say breathe in and understand that we walk in a miracle each day. Thank You God.

"Give us this day our daily bread." Luke 11:3

August 5, 2009

Man v. Food

I love this show on the Travel Channel. It is called Man v. Food. I am telling you, if I had thought of this first, it would be my dream job. But I didn't. 

So I just live vicariously through Adam as he takes on the nation's biggest food challenges! How cool is that?!?

Food + Travel + Stuffing your face = Stupid Awesome! 

You can check out the website here ( or watch it on the travel channel. Yeah it's mad bonzer and if you like food, it is fun to watch!

Pretty Funny...

Just had to laugh at this video put out by Student Life! We do get the best looking wives!!! ;)

August 4, 2009

we are like grass...

A friend of mine's mother passed away yesterday...

I hurt for him...

But, I can't know how much he hurts and I can't pretend to try.

It's funny how words become empty at a time like this. I am not trying to be mean, but the last few years when I lost my uncle and my grandma, people's words were not all that comforting. Their words would evaporate into thin air as they escaped the person's mouth. No comfort or condolence could come from people.

It was like putting a band-aid on a bullet hole...

Only God was big enough to absorb the pain. I don't know how Jason was able to write during this time, but he explains it so eloquently and its worth a read. Please pray for him and his family as he goes through this time. Thank You.

August 3, 2009

On your mark...

I have been on vacation for the last week. It has been a very nice and relaxing time fo' sure. But now its time to walk up to the line to start the new school year.

I am so excited about what the next year will bring. I hope that you will join me on this journey. I am sure there will be thrills, spills and unexpected turns, but I don't run alone. I have a Guide that is faithful and true.

"Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one wins? Run in such a way that you may WIN!" 1 Corinthians 9:24