September 23, 2009

What you say is important...

Have you ever said something dumb that you just wanted to take back? I know I have. It's like you say what first comes to your mind before thinking what your words might do. Many times we can get away with a flippant word or a harsh retort.

But there are some instances where there really is no way to take back what you said...

The damage is done, the missiles you sent out to destroy their target did their work and now the other person is left reeling from the impact.

James says, "If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless." Yiiiikes. I wish James would mind his own business. He takes the first few chapters of his book and makes it clear how a follower of the Name must live.

Im not saying I have this down. But maybe we should take a quick three count before we say that thing that is intended to hurt. Or before we say that thing about someone that we know might not be 100% true.

Your words are one thing that you can control (unless you might have Turret's) if you are a Jesus follower. It is the one thing we are allowed that can directly impact someone for the better OR worse. Think about that the next time you are in a conversation today. Your words do matter...