November 28, 2008

5 Things you are thankful for!

This is not really a traditional "top five", but just five things you are thankful for with no order:

-my mom and dad and brother
-my church family and the staff I work with
-my wife Kim (my hero, my friend, my love)
-cool December sunny days
-God allowing me to "discover" things about Him

November 25, 2008

Back and decongesting

okay. So I am finally back from Nashville! I so missed you guys (and gals)!!!

I seemed to have kept my cold (it wont go away!!! )But even though i was sick, it was quite an experience to connect with thousands of youth workers from around the nation.It was so cool to see that many people around the nation are trying to help people take their next step toward Christ. 

I know this week is Thanksgiving!!! I want you guys to remember all the great blessings God has rocked us with. Without Him we would have nothing. nada. zip. Because He is our everything! So keep it real, don't eat too much, pray for those less fortunate and I'll see you on Sunday!!! PS there is no 9:00 service, so sleep in!  

November 21, 2008

Five most Unique** Christmas gifts

5. A sweater with a huge white-tailed deer in the center.. HUGE like basically the whole sweater. AND I was in high-school...
4. educational toys (various learning treats)
3. A crocheted American flag
2. A five pound peppermint candy cane
1. Vacuum sealed Buffalo jerky (which actually, was very good)

** "unique" used in a very loose and non-judgmental way

David Crowber Band

Tonight's session was the bomb!! David Crowder Band Rocked the house and Francis Chan punched me in the face!

at the airport...

Yes, I am that person. I always get to the airport WAY too early. Then I just sit here.
Sit... Read... Check my watch... Sit.. Write... Snore.. 

Now I am reading my book and stealing the wireless internet from those around me. (Jussst kidding, Im on the airport's internet) Anyways, I am now on antibiotics so I hope that my cough and cold goes away. I feel all woozy because of the cough medicine, but I think Im going to add coffee to the mix to make things fun!!!

I hope you have a good morning. I will be thinking about you and praying for you this next couple of days. Yes you! I have a spy that tells me who is reading and then I pray for you!!! J/J Seriously, have a good day and we'll chat soon!

Leaving on a Jet Plane

Woo hoo! I am so stoked to be up at the crack of dawn getting ready to fly out of Orlando to a COLD Nashville, TN. That is why we live in Florida. Brrrrrr. So I am flying out at 9:15 and getting to Nashville @ 10:15 or something like that. It's a surprisingly short flight, but 8 million times better than driving. 

Anyways, I will have to sit around for a little bit before I can make it to the First general session. I may have to take my luggage into it :) But I don't want to miss it because Francis Chan is the 1st speaker. How cool is that???

Anyways, I'll holler at you later. Have a good morning!!!

November 19, 2008

It's aliiiiive!!

Boy, I have been mad sick this week. I can't seem to shake this wicked cough and the inside of my head feels like it is filled with this stuff. I know right before lunch too! Gross. Anyways, I am heading to the National Youth Workers Convention this week in Nashville and it is going to be really sweet!

I will blog to you guys form Nashville to let  you know how it is going and update you from time to time. This convention has student pastors coming from all over the nation to get together to worship, encourage one another, and spend time talking together about ministry and how to better serve the communities we are in back home. 

There are going to be a bunch of cool teachers and I'm sure I will get a whole lot out of it. I need you guys (and gals) to be praying for me as Im up there as I'm spending some of that time as a personal retreat too and getting amped up for this spring and next year!  I hope you guys are enjoying the cold weather. I will be in the covers and taking my Nyquil for now. Peace!

November 17, 2008

Michael Anderson

Yesterday in the student ministries we had a guest speaker. He talked about how students can be hope (the hope of Christ) to the friends and family around them.

He challenged us to live a life on mission for God. He too, has a passion for loving others unconditionally and unashamedly so that they might see Christ in this world.

 I just wanted to share his link on my blog if you wanted to see what he is up to from time to time. He will be our camp speaker for next year's summer retreat "Adrenaline 09". So, be on the lookout for that!!

November 14, 2008

Friday Five: Orlando Dives

5. House Blend Cafe (Best red beans and rice in Orlando... no really...)
4. Shakers (Sandwiches/ Breakfast is the bomb too)
3. Johnny's Filling Station (Burgers)
2. Hot Dog Heaven

What are some of your favorites???

November 13, 2008

Throwback Thursday!!!

Do you remember this?? Holler back if you remember hearing or seeing this when it was released in 1992. I was in the 9th grade. hmmm. memories...

beautiful words...

Sometimes I like to read hymns. Some are filled with such beauty and passion. One example is "Lo! How a Rose E'er Blooming"
ch-ch-check it:

Lo, how a Rose e’er blooming from tender stem hath sprung!
Of Jesse’s lineage coming, as men of old have sung.
It came, a floweret bright, amid the cold of winter,
When half spent was the night.

Isaiah ’twas foretold it, the Rose I have in mind;
With Mary we behold it, the virgin mother kind.
To show God’s love aright, she bore to men a Savior,
When half spent was the night.

The shepherds heard the story proclaimed by angels bright,
How Christ, the Lord of glory was born on earth this night.
To Bethlehem they sped and in the manger found Him,
As angel heralds said.

This Flower, whose fragrance tender with sweetness fills the air,
Dispels with glorious splendor the darkness everywhere;
True Man, yet very God, from sin and death He saves us,
And lightens every load.

O Savior, Child of Mary, who felt our human woe,
O Savior, King of glory, who dost our weakness know;
Bring us at length we pray, to the bright courts of Heaven,
And to the endless day!

November 12, 2008

Student Spolight!!!

This week's student spotlight is on Katie!!! She is a ninth grader at WPHS and is part of the cheerleading squad!!! You rock!!

November 11, 2008

jealous is not even the word...

Coldplay upclose from Chad Wyatt on Vimeo.

I'm a loser

As I was meditating in my quiet time, I came to the realization that somehow I had slowly put the things of God slightly behind the things of Norm. Now they may be more like "side-by-side", but as God asked me to search my heart, I realized side by side is not Lordship.

I was reading this scripture, "Whoever finds his life will lose it and whoever loses his life for My sake will find it ". It is found in Matthew 10:38. This scripture is nestled into a greater context of how we should follow Christ. The word "lose" in the greek is much stronger than just "losing" your car keys. It means to utterly destroy, to put to death, to be completely ruined. So in light of this scripture I want to be a loser.

In my personal opinion, I think that the world is tired of Christians living the same old, tired life. There is no hope in that. I mean if we don't want to be "all-in" then why follow Christ at all. I am not saying I have it right, but God does. Maybe we need to make sure that we put to death the old things and live in the new. Please, be a loser too. Lose yourself in Christ today.

November 10, 2008

twit pic doesnt work for me so...

As you see here this is a random parade crashing our dinner this past Saturday night. You can see my buddy Mike is not sure what to make of the impromtu Carnivale parade.

Jesus is important to me

Yesterday in IMPACT, I had the students share why Jesus was important to them. They took a little bit of time to write it down on paper and here are just some of their words...

"Jesus is important to me because without him I wouldn't be forgiven and free."

"He is important to me because without him I'd be nothing. And He is important because he took my sin. Also He listens to me and loves me!"

"jesus is someone who is always there for me and he guides me in the right direction for life."

"Jesus is important to me because he is my Lord and Savior. I trust in Jesus and prayed for Him to come and forgive me of my sins. Jesus knows I am not perfect. Jesus guides and protects me when I need Him and He is always there for me."

It was really cool for me to get to read the things that students had to say. We have a great group of kids that really have a heart for Christ and I just wanted to let all the readers out there in blog-space to know how proud I am of your students...

November 2, 2008

Sunday sickies

I am trying to fight away this chest cold today. I hate all this coughing. Even Pancho seems to be steering clear of me. Usually I can take some Nyquil and get under the covers and sweat it out, but this chest cold is being a booger and not letting me get rid of it. Please pray for me to get over it, so I can get back to better. Thanks so much!!!