October 31, 2008

Do Christmas different this year... http://www.adventconspiracy.org/

Pancho is jealous

okay, i usually never plug blogs on my page, but Pancho has been bugging me for like the last two weeks to start his OWN blog. So, since today is my day off, I let him. But it's not going to be as cool as mine because he is not as witty as I am. I also put a link down at the bottom right of my blog... where the other links are...

Five favorite directors (albeit questionable)

1. Darren Aronofsky
2. Wes Anderson
3. Joel Coen (Coen Brothers)
4. Stanley Kubrick 
5. Zhang Yimou (Hero/House of Flying daggers... oh yeah, he also directed the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2008 Beijing Olympic games)

October 30, 2008

A picture of someone else's Bronco (see previous day's blog)

My friends Bronco looked a little like this. Except in the dark, and down a lonely dirt road and like 150 times awesomer and with no fire truck.

Dag Yo!

I really have been stoked about the weather. I think there is something about a little chill that helps us to remember there is a thing called fall and winter in other parts of the world. Where I grew up we would usually get our first freeze between late October and Middle November. 

When I was in high school, we would usually go out in the woods somewhere are make a huge camp fire. One of those nights our friends car actually caught on fire and burned up. It's true. He had an ooooold Ford Bronco(like 79 or something like that). Anyways, this vehicle had a heater that was underneath the seats. I know its weird, but just try to imagine. 

So this night was one of the first cold snaps of that year. This was the first time in a while my buddy had used his heater. What he didnt know is somehow a bunch of leaves and stuff was trapped all around the heater. (Probably from the summer when he would take the hard top off and ride around, you know how it is in the country).

ANYWAYS, we parked his car and went on a hike and as we were coming back we noticed there was a bright light shining from where we had parked ol boys car. We thought maybe someone had pulled next to his car and had their headlights on. But the closer we got someone yelled, "dude, your CAR is on FIRE!!!" 

Now the fact that this guy was my friend was the reason that I had so much restraint for the first three seconds, but then I just had to say it. "Oh my gosh, that is SO awesome!!!" I mean flames were leaping like 5 feet high from this thing and we were so far out in the country there was no water hoses or anything like that to try and put it out. This guy just had to watch in horror as his dope ride incinerated. We just had to walk back to the campsite and let the car burn. (No cell phones back then)

Luckily one of our friends came to the exact same spot the next day and found us and the blackened car. So the moral of the story is... make sure you have a camera with you at all times, just in case your friends car catches on fire. 

October 27, 2008

Mercy before sacrifice....

What in the world am I doing inside today??? It is one of the nicest days yet this year. All cool and breezy and stuff! Anyways if you are crazy like me and are inside today, I'd like to share a little of what is on my heart with you.

I have been thinking about the "Generous Life" campaign that Grace is doing and also this week in our student ministries we have been talking about "Tithing". As I was looking through the lessons and thinking about all this, it is really easy to think that these lessons are only about external actions. I mean is tithing really only about giving my money? Is the Generous life only about giving more money?

Obviously the answer is no, because it is much more than that. In the lesson about tithing to the students a question was posed. The question was "Why does God need our money?? He has everything and He makes everything. But it really boils down to our hearts. Do I TRUST God more than anything. Do I really want to be wholly his??

There is a scripture found in Matthew 9:13 It really speaks to this issue. What is God's heart? What is my heart toward God? The giving is just a side product of "the generous life" we choose to live. 

October 24, 2008

Five Favorite Pies

1. Pecan
2. Key Lime 
3. Pumpkin
4. Peach
5. Cherry

Do you have a favorite?

October 22, 2008

Girls Nite Out!!

Here are some of the pics from Girls night out! Can you tell who's feet are who's?? You know the guys really missed out from this event 'eh!!!

Trip Update

Hey my faithful following. I just wanted to give you an update on how our trip went. It was the bizzy that is for sure. We didn't do a whole lot, but we definitely got some rest and relaxation. It was nice to wake up and sit out on the porch (it was actually in the sixties during the morning) and then chill out for the rest of the day. Kim and I got to read a few books (soooo nice) and also catch up on much needed sunday naps. 

I think the greatest thing was getting to hang out with Kim all day for a few days. I really enjoyed getting to be around her and listening to her laugh. I remembered how happy she makes me. I really am one of the luckiest people ever. ("not lucky.. Blessed "as Kim would say) My in-laws are really cool too, and they were fun to be around. 

It is really neat to spend time, not worrying about time. I found the first few days that I was there I was really anxious, because I wasn't busy doing stuff. But then I settled into the rural routine and became naturally relaxed. Ahhhh. That was a fun vacation for us and for our puppy Pancho!! But we sure are glad to be BACK!!! See you guys Sunday!

October 17, 2008

My Five Favorite Leisure websites

1. ESPN.go.com
2. Addictinggames.com
3. Youthspecialties.com
4. Facebook.com
5. dailytimes.com = my hometown newspaper website

what are some cool ones you have? Comment NOW! :)

October 15, 2008

Random Thought

 How does the guy who drives a snow plow for a living get to work?

out to lunch for a week!----

Hey my faithful blog readers! I am going to be out of town for a week on vacation. We are going to Louisiana (Yeeeeeehaw!). I will be out this Sunday (19th) and I will miss you guys so very much! But we will be back on Sunday the 26th!!! I will try and keep you posted on how things are in Cajun land. 

In the mean time please keep up with your H.A.B.I.T.S and Ill see you on the flip-side!!!
(so far: Hang Time with God, Accountability, Bible Memorization)

October 10, 2008

Five places I'd like to visit

1. Italy
2. Australia
3. Scotland
4. Fiji
5. China

Where would you like to visit??? Comment NOW!! lol

October 9, 2008

Student Spotlight!

This student spotlight is on Seth! He is a high school freshman at Seminole and he is on the drum line! You'll see him around the three thirty minute mark in detail as he kicks it on the cymbals. (is that the correct term?) 

If you would like to submit a video for student spotlight shoot me an email at Norm@gogracefellowship.com (with the video of course) and I will screen it for any questionable material (lol) and maybe you can make it on the "student spotlight"

October 8, 2008

Random Thought

Why do they call it "rush hour" when everyone is moving so slow?

October 6, 2008

The truth about accountability

Since I have been a believer I have heard that one good thing for a Christ-follower to have is accountability. But, what does that even mean? In college we really "tried" to have accountability relationships, but sometimes it got waaaay too legalistic or way too insignificant (we would just say "oh we messed up...AGAIN). Personally I have had a hard time being in an "accountable" relationship, because I have always done it "just because it's the right thing to do". 

The last two weeks we have been studying H.A.B.I.T.S. in the student ministry. The funny thing is how God uses the very thing you are studying to convict you. I realized that if I am to talk about this on any level with students then I really need to be intentional about having true accountability in my life. I am being transparent here, so please understand I am walking this journey just like you. 

What we learned in IMPACT this week is that Accountability adds INSIGHT, TRUTH, HOPE and FAITH to your life. These are there very things that I had been missing from time to time in my walk with God. Go Figure?? Are you missing these things in your life? Do you meet regularly with someone who will hold you accountable? I know I have benefited from it. I that my lesson learned can help you take your next step toward Christ. Thank you for reading...

October 3, 2008

Macho Libre----Paintball!!!

Hey my peoples!

Just wanted to give you a report on our paintball outing. We had a most macho and most libre time. (For those of you that dont know spanish libre=liberating/free and macho=macho)

We got shot at and shot others and fellowshipped with welts and all. I know some were thinking "they said it wasn't going to hurt". OK, I lied... a little. But we all came back alive and can talk about it on this side. Thanks to all who volunteered to help and those who came. Thanks to all the moms that weren't too terribly mad at me for the abuse their sons suffered!!!

Five things I wanted to be when I grew up

I saw kepiad's blog and wanted to do this myself

1. movie director
2. chemist (until I took chemistry)
3. writer (poetry)
4. football coach
5. professor

October 2, 2008

Thanks for taking the RED pill

For those of you brave enough to check out the site I say THANK YOU!!! Look around, there are all kinds of stuff the right and to the bottom. If you feel so moved, make sure and subscribe to this blog so you can get the updates!! Until next time, PEACE!