September 8, 2008

C-bizzle and the land of Canaan

Did you guys just LOVE the fall kickoff?!?! We had such a blast and it was great to be able to see so many new faces at Grace. What is so amazing about fall kickoff is that it is not a one time shindig. This is just how we roll from here on out.

I love the people at Grace, because God has given us a vision and you guys just keep pushing forward and running the good race. I mean to reach Orlando we need God-sized dreams and God sized faith! The scriptures speak to this fact over and over again.

 One of my favorite scriptures is about C-bizzle (Caleb) and his crazy faith.(in Numbers 13:30) Moses sends out a scouting party to check out Canaan. The spies come back and give a report that the land is off the heezy (good) but the people in the land were mad thuggish (big and ready to scrap). 

All of the sudden Caleb told everyone to be silent. I can just imagine this young guy commanding everyone to quiet down. Shooshie!!! Anyways, everyone leans in and Caleb says "We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can CERTAINLY do it." 

WHAT!!?? C-bizzle is out of his mind?! But wait, maybe he is thinking via God's economy. It seems way too hard for us to do, but God has much more game then we do. Hmmm, can we do it? God can.

If we desire Orlando to be impacted for God we need to dream big dreams and give all of our lives, everyone! Three services seems like a lot because it is a lot, but isn't God able to do it? Will you be moved to service? 

I ask myself the same question. Do I believe God is able to do it? Will I let go and start trusting God? Big questions... Bigger God.