1. We got some great adult leaders, you guys always rock my socks off! Thanks for what you do! Brent stepped up in a major way by pulling a surprise interview on me! What tha?
2. Had a visiting student give great words of encouragement at how welcoming our graceStudents were and how they included him instantly (i love hearing that!)
3. One more week of the "Reality TV" Series, It's been great to break down the book of 1 Corinthians. Paul dropped some knowledge in this one. DANG! Go God!
4. Man if you missed "ONE Life" in the main service, you are gonna want to check out the podcast! ...and be HERE next week as @mcadkins drops some knowledge from the life of Elijah!
5. @Chadwesley and the team broke off a great worship set and brought us to the Throne of Glory today!!! Like I said if you missed it, you don' wanna miss next week!
6. Just got to be a part of what God is doing another day! AMEN!