1. Largest Sunday ever. Im not sure the exact numbers but we maxed out the room in a serious way. We definitely had 50+ people in there with leaders and all. !WOW!
2. Our new intern @diazdave blew it up this week. I am very excited about what he brings to the table. His commitment to Christ and to the students is bar-none!
3. We started a new series called "New Friend Request" and it comes as a great time as school starts tomorrow and we are getting ready to launch our "first friends" program.
4. Thanks to our production team for working through the glitches and hitches that a blowout Sunday brings.
5. Again, I love it when my wife is off on Sunday, (she usually has to work) it's just fun for her and for me to hang together doing what I love to do. I love you sweetheart!!!
6. Again Mike blowed it up in the service with a bomb of a message. We are going through our ONE life series and you need to take a listen if you have not heard it.
Thanks be to God, who is the giver of all good gifts. I thank you for your support and constant prayers as we travel through this journey of life together. AMEN!