September 15, 2009

What determines your direction, is the object of your affection

"Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe" John 20:27

Times are tough. Money is tight. Lately life has just been tough. I know that you have been there. I dont know your circumstances, but I know we have all been swallowed up by disdain at one point or another.

But here is the deal. God is not asking you to pull up your bootstraps. God is not asking you to make your own way. God is simply asking you to "believe". Now Im not talking believe like the Shamu show at Sea World, or to believe dreams do come true.

God is asking you to believe in the One He sent. What determines your direction is the object of your affection. Is God not who He says He is? Did Jesus not escape death and rise again to change the fabric of who we are? As I write this I think about my circumstances. Things are hard. We are sometimes living paycheck to paycheck. I wrestle with life and wrestle with how to lead students to Jesus.

But when Jesus becomes the only object of my affection, everything else becomes strangely small. When I look into the blazing eyes of Jesus I become less and He becomes King. Jesus never changes. And He really can make a way.

Test your affection today. To whom or what is your heart bound to?