4. Be patient - Time has a way of giving us perspective on many things we wrestle with. In the Christian life you will experience dry times or confusing times. But the beauty of following Christ is that if He began a work in your He will continue to work in you. So be patient, answers may not come overnight.
5. Don't just rely on your feelings - I am the worst at this. Sometimes I can get in a funk and it creates an unneeded struggle. God created us with feelings and they are good, but our subjective experience is not always the best test for whether something is true or not. Feelings are easy to change, just drink 3 venti cafe Americanos and find out! If you are under 18 make sure to ask your parents permission first :)
6. Keep praying - I am trying to avoid sounding like an Mc Hammer song, but you've got to pray just to make it today. You may not "sense" or "feel" God is there, but that doesn't mean your prayer is rendered null. God is still in control and God is there like always. Look at Daniel 10: 2-14, he prayed for three weeks straight... Also look at James 1:5.
I hope that helps you. Just know we are on this walk together. We all struggle, but God will remain faithful. k? peace!